@Jax • Joined May 2020
- Video:BL audio collection: http://mediafire.com/?uofp6zq76ugeoob How to meditate, release tension and resentments, dissolve negative emotion, deal with worry and banish unnecessary thought For more information visit: http://www.barrylong.org Shared for nonprofit educational purposes under fair use guidelines. I do not work for, nor claim to represent Barry Long or the Barry Long Foundation Read more...
- Video:Pierre Lessard et Guy Corneau : Exercice guidé de visualisation visant à stimuler le processus d’auto-régénération des cellules et favoriser l’équilibre général. Suite à sa rémission d’un cancer de stade 4, et pour remercier le public de son soutien actif pendant l’épreuve, Guy Corneau a décidé d’offrir l’outil de visualisation qu’il a appris de Pierre Lessard et qu’il a pratiqué Read more...
- Video:POSITIVE MORNING AFFIRMATIONS FOR ABUNDANCE AND SUCCESS (LISTEN EVERYDAY!) / Listen to this video every morning to feed your brain with positivity. I’ve recorded the positive affirmations that I read or think to myself every morning. When you’re getting up in the morning, your brain is in this place where it’s like a sponge, so it’s when you really want Read more...
- Video:© JASON STEPHENSON & RELAX ME ONLINE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Copyright 2020 All rights reserved. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY WHILST LISTENING TO SLEEP MEDITATION MUSIC, BINAURAL BEATS OR GUIDED SLEEP RELAXATIONS. Read more...
- Video:Hildegard of Bingen, O.S.B. (German: Hildegard von Bingen; Latin: Hildegardis Bingensis) (1098 – 17 September 1179), also known as Saint Hildegard and Sibyl of the Rhine, was a German Benedictine abbess, writer, composer, philosopher, Christian mystic, visionary, and polymath.[1] She is considered to be the founder of scientific natural history in Germany.[2] Hildegard was elected magistra by her fellow nuns Read more...
- Video:Presented by Fr. Joachim Lally, CSP Catholic Information Center, Grand Rapids, M catholicinformationcenter.org Read more...
- Video:| « LA GRANDE H. », P. FAUTRIER, L. MOULINIER-BROGI Avec Jeanne d’Arc, Héloïse et Aliénor d’Aquitaine, Hildegarde de Bingen (1098-1179) est l’une des femmes du Moyen Âge les plus connues de nos jours. Depuis les années 1990, elle fait l’objet d’un engouement planétaire dans le domaine des médecines douces et dans celui de la spiritualité new age, mais aussi Read more...
- Video:I was inspired to create a film that answered the simple question, “What is Reiki?” So often I’ve tried to explain the subtleties of energy work but words never seem to completely describe the experience. However, seeing Reiki in action allows you to better visualize the depth of this practice and understand how accessible and beneficial it can be for Read more...
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- Video:“Tui na” is a form of Asian bodywork that goes back thousands of years. This form of massage is governed by Oriental medicine and follows many of the same guidelines as acupuncture. From “rolling” to “finger springing” to “kneading” and “grasping”– find out what specific massage techniques go into a tui na treatment. Tui na can be used to treat Read more...
- Video:Improve your yuen method technique so not for complete beginners who should work with a yuen method practitioner like : www.nowenergetics.com Join this challenge to practise and be strengthened. Yuen Method, Energy Healing, Self Healing, Online Healing, Energetic Testing, Intuition, Yuen Method Demonstration, Learn Yuen Method, Yuen Method Challenge, Practise Yuen Method Read more...
- Video:Listen to this before you start your day and before you go to bed! I AM morning affirmations for success! Read more...
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- Video:Tamara Levitt guides this 10 minute Daily Calm mindfulness meditation to powerfully restore and re-connect with the present. Read more...
- Video:Je vous propose 2 heures d’affirmations positives pour réussir sa vie, augmenter son estime de soi et sa confiance en soi. La chaîne “Mike méditation” est née de ma passion pour la méditation et le développement personnel. Passions que je souhaite partager avec le plus grand nombre. Vos suggestions m’aident à améliorer la qualité de mes méditations alors n’hésitez pas Read more...
- Video:Guided imagery meditation exercises help reduce anxiety, stress, fatigue, restlessness, difficulty sleeping and physical discomfort. Read more...
- Video:Je m’appelle Cédric et je suis conteur de méditation et professeur de Yoga. Je pratique la méditation depuis plus de 12 ans et j’ai participé à ma première retraite silencieuse de méditation en 2005. Pour le Yoga, je me suis formé principalement en Inde. Au Yoga Institue de Mumbai (900 heures) et à l’Ashtanga Yoga Mysore à Mysore (200h). J’ai Read more...
- Video:Get into a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, close your eyes, relax and breathe deeply, (for best results listen with headphones). It is recommended that you listen to this every day for the next 30 days to cement the new images into your brain and create new pathways. Have fun 🙂 Allow yourself to see, feel and experience yourself Read more...
- Video:🎧 Audio Message – FIRST 100 AFFIRMATIONS 1- I can and will have more than I ever dreamed possible 2- I feel good about money and deserve it in my life 3- Great wealth is flowing to me now 4- I know I am abundant 5- I always have enough money for myself 6- Every day in every way I Read more...
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