@Jax • Joined May 2020
Experts & Places
- About The Yoga Barn The Yoga Barn is a tropical oasis, an epicenter of self-discovery, healing and renewal tucked into the heart of downtown Ubud. A one of a kind environment, The Yoga Barn’s pace is intrinsically led by Balinese culture, and is blessed by the Hindu and animistic traditions of Bali, embodying the healing medicine of Ubud. A welcoming Read more...
- Address: Place Stéphanie 18
BelgiumSerendip Spa & Yoga is a luxurious holistic wellness centre, situated in the heart of Brussels at Place Stephanie. Enveloped in an oriental-inspired atmosphere, we offer traditional and specialised therapies using ancient techniques derived from century old traditions and ancient wisdom. Serendip ancient name of Sri Lanka, is the origin of the word Serendipity… which means to make fortunate and Read more... - Tags: yogaAddress: Willemsstraat 133I
1015 JB
NetherlandsPeople start doing yoga for a million different reasons. Whether you’re in it for the exercise, meeting new people or the spiritual side of yoga – you can find all this and more at Svaha Yoga. So if you’re looking for a groovy Vinyasa flow yoga studio in Amsterdam – look no further. With three different locations in town and Read more... - Address: Lange Koepoortstraat 34
BelgiumDrop In Meditation, Antwerp, Belgium. 482 likes · 8 talking about this. Belgium’s first drop-in meditation studio. We offer simple, accessible practices for busy minds and lives: 30-, 45- and… Read more... - Address: Chaussée de Bruxelles, 483
BelgiumLe centre Surya vous accueille dans un espace dédié au bien-être : cours de yoga et de cuisine, sauna, massages et thérapies… Read more... - : ClosedMonClosedTueClosedWed19 h 00 min - 20 h 30 minThuClosedFri19 h 00 min - 20 h 30 minSatClosedSun9 h 30 min - 11 h 00 minAddress: Waversesteenweg 1680B
BelgiumArt de vivre ? Philosophie ? Religion ? Difficile de définir ce qu’est le zen. Surtout, c’est le bouddhisme en pratique. Membre de l’Association Zen internationale et de l’Association Kanshoji Belgique. Lié au monastère de Kanshoji. Read more... - : Open 24 hoursMonOpen 24 hoursTueOpen 24 hoursWedOpen 24 hoursThuOpen 24 hoursFriOpen 24 hoursSatOpen 24 hoursSunOpen 24 hoursAddress: 2735 Kalakaua Ave
United StatesWaikiki Beach Yoga | Daily Group beach yoga on more secluded end of Waikiki Beach – mornings and sunset classes daily Mindfulness and Beach Yoga excursions/retreats and courses in both Hawaii and San Diego Jungle Yoga Waterfall Hikes | Oahu San Diego offerings: private beach yoga sessions, mindfulness cliff hikes, excursions and courses Original Rated #1 – Best Beach Yoga Read more... - : 8 h 30 min - 18 h 30 minMon6 h 30 min - 21 h 30 minTue6 h 30 min - 21 h 30 minWed6 h 30 min - 21 h 30 minThu6 h 30 min - 21 h 30 minFri6 h 30 min - 20 h 30 minSat8 h 30 min - 18 h 30 minSun8 h 30 min - 18 h 30 minTags: yogaAddress: 406 Broadway
New York
United StatesWHO WE ARE A LITTLE OF THE WOO, A LOT OF THE REAL WE ARE is for people who want to feel better: physically, mentally, and emotionally. We love yoga, in fact, we’re obsessed with it. We want to teach you how to do a handstand, as much as we want to teach you conscious breath, as much as we Read more... - Tags: mindfulnessAddress: Avenue de Broqueville 40
BelgiumConscious and balanced living & working with mindfulness. Read more... - : ClosedMon19 h 30 min - 21 h 00 minTueClosedWed7 h 30 min - 8 h 30 minThuClosedFriClosedSatClosedSunClosedTags: mindfulnessAddress: Lange Altaarstraat 33
BelgiumMindfulness trainingen voor iedereen die meer uit het leven wil halen. Preventie van burn-out en omgaan met lichamelijke klachten. In goep of individueel. Read more... - Address: Avenue du Lac 87
BelgiumMartin’s Château du Lac is your favourite hotel for a stay in a green environment 20 min from Brussels. wwww.martinshotels.com Read more... - WELCOME TO LIGHT IN YOGA Our classes make everyone feel comfortable. Each person can work at their own level and pace without feeling intimidated. We have the ability to engage the students and meet them where they are at. We give modifications for beginners and instructions to challenge the more advanced students. Read more...
- : 8 h 00 min - 21 h 00 minMon6 h 00 min - 22 h 00 minTue6 h 00 min - 22 h 00 minWed6 h 00 min - 22 h 00 minThu6 h 00 min - 22 h 00 minFri6 h 00 min - 22 h 00 minSat8 h 00 min - 21 h 00 minSun8 h 00 min - 21 h 00 minSIGNATURE KINSHIP CLASSES YINSHIP Based on a classical Yin yoga practice, in this class you will be holding poses between 2 to 5 minutes all on the ground. The purpose of staying in the poses for this duration of time, is to open the connective tissue in your body. In addition the instructor will offer hands on assistance to aid Read more...
- : 7 h 00 min - 21 h 30 minMon9 h 00 min - 14 h 00 minTue16 h 00 min - 21 h 30 minWed7 h 00 min - 21 h 30 minThu7 h 00 min - 21 h 30 minFri7 h 00 min - 21 h 30 minSat7 h 00 min - 21 h 30 minSun7 h 30 min - 18 h 30 minTags: yogaAddress: 11 W State St
United StatesOur Studio Although it may be hard to imagine now that yoga has become so tightly woven into the fabric of American life, there was a time not so long ago when there was no full-time, dedicated Hatha Yoga studio in Pasadena. Yoga House opened in 1997 to fill that void by creating such a place, a place that brought Read more... - Address: Corex Building Floor 2 Meditation Factory 27 Maskit Street
IsraelBeyond a Yoga Practice Aruna yoga is a syncretic yoga practice which draws from multiple yogic forms and philosophy, including hatha, vinyasa, and Kundalini inspired tools and technologies, as well as from other spiritual traditions, such as meditation, Kabbalah, energy healing and theological philosophy. It is a practice based on being present on all levels: to what is here, now Read more... - Tags: Art TherapyAddress: rue marcel bernard 13, 7950 Huissignies, Hainaut, Belgium
BelgiumPrésentation Formation Praticien en Art-thérapie. at rue marcel bernard 13, 7950 Huissignies, Hainaut, Belgium Art Thérapie – Ath, Mons et Tournai dans le Hainaut L’art thérapie offre à tout un chacun l’occasion de faire émerger ce qui est à l’intérieur de lui. Elle permet de rentrer en contact avec ses sentiments refoulés, ses émotions les plus enfouies. Elle s’inscrit dans Read more... - New Life Center, Erquennes, Hainaut, Belgium. 1K likes. Beauty Salon Read more...
- : 8 h 30 min - 21 h 00 minMon8 h 30 min - 23 h 00 minTue6 h 30 min - 21 h 00 minWed8 h 30 min - 21 h 00 minThu6 h 30 min - 23 h 00 minFri8 h 30 min - 21 h 00 minSat8 h 30 min - 21 h 00 minSun8 h 30 min - 21 h 00 minAddress: 3 Rue Campagne Première
FranceUn studio au coeur de Paris, 400 m2 dédiés au Yoga. Sols en parquet bambou, jardin intérieur. Une première salle de pratique (50 tapis) chauffée entre 37 et 40 dégrées Une autre salle, non chauffée. 57 cours par semaine, accessibles avec un seul abonnement et sans réservation. Des espaces de détente ensoleillés où vous pourrez boire un petit thé, avant Read more... - : 7 h 00 min - 21 h 30 minMon9 h 30 min - 21 h 30 minTue7 h 00 min - 21 h 30 minWed7 h 00 min - 21 h 30 minThu7 h 00 min - 21 h 30 minFri8 h 30 min - 21 h 30 minSat7 h 00 min - 21 h 30 minSun9 h 00 min - 20 h 00 minAddress: 7 Rue du Cardinal Mercier
FranceBienvenue à l’Espace Sattva ! L’Espace Sattva est dédié à l’enseignement de différents styles de yoga afin que chacun puisse trouver son approche : Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Hatha-yoga, Iyengar, Anusara, Relaxation , Méditation…. Chaque enseignant a une solide formation et une pédagogie confirmée. D’autres techniques corporelles traditionnelles ou plus contemporaines viennent s’y ajouter : Méditation, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Kalarippayat, Stretching Read more... - : 11 h 30 min - 14 h 00 minMon9 h 30 min - 11 h 30 minTue18 h 00 min - 22 h 30 minWed9 h 00 min - 11 h 30 minThu17 h 00 min - 21 h 30 minFri18 h 00 min - 22 h 30 minSat11 h 30 min - 14 h 00 minSun17 h 00 min - 22 h 30 minAddress: Boxhagener Str. 76
GermanyIm wahren Zentrum Berlins – in Friedrichshain in der Boxhagener Straße, entstand 2012 unser schönes Studio für Menschen mit gesundem Hang zu Träumen, Trends und Temperaturen. Bei uns kannst Du die ganze Bandbreite des Yoga leben. Denn auf dem Stundenplan haben wir für Dich nicht nur das klassische Hot Yoga und ganz viel Liebe, sondern auch Yin Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Read more...