Relax into the sound. Allow yourself to be lifted up in comfort and love.
Breathe in and breathe out as your being returns to its natural state.
All my love, always,
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Home » Videos » Meditation Music » Mei-lan – Angelic Frequency (inspired by ‘Awaken’ album)
Relax into the sound. Allow yourself to be lifted up in comfort and love.
Breathe in and breathe out as your being returns to its natural state.
All my love, always,
Here’s a link to my website:
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Video Categories: Music and Meditation MusicVideo Tags: Mei-lan
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0 Reviews on “Mei-lan - Angelic Frequency (inspired by 'Awaken' album)”
Relax into the sound. Allow yourself to be lifted up in comfort and love.
Really inspiring, enjoy!
@Christel Legros you’ll love it!