This is what meditating every day has done to me…

POSITIVE MORNING AFFIRMATIONS FOR ABUNDANCE AND SUCCESS (LISTEN EVERYDAY!) / Listen to this video every morning to feed your brain with positivity. I’ve recorded the
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Video Category: MeditationVideo Tags: Russell Brand
POSITIVE MORNING AFFIRMATIONS FOR ABUNDANCE AND SUCCESS (LISTEN EVERYDAY!) / Listen to this video every morning to feed your brain with positivity. I’ve recorded the
Allez, hop!!! Une petite méditation qui va dézinguer toutes vos peurs et vos croyances limitantes!!! a pratiquer le matin au réveil, ou avant de s’endormir.
Having a passion that you truly like, gives your life meaning and purpose. Not following your passion might lead you to depression or anxiety. Identify
Le cerveau Reptilien est apparu dans l’histoire de l’évolution il y a environ 400 millions d’années. Il est relié aux fonctions de régulation (température, tension