A book that changed my life !
I discovered Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning book a few months ago.
I’ve been practicing meditation years ago, but with wrong priorities, I’ve put it aside for years, and been practicing off an on a few times a year.
This book helped me restructure my life!
I’m practicing the miracle morning every day since 3 months now, and man, what a change !
I even bought a few copies for friends!
Do yourself a favour, a read it !
Below a few reviews I found.
What if you could miraculously wake up tomorrow and any—or every area of your life was transformed? What would be different? Would you be happier? Healthier? More successful? In better shape? Would you have more energy? Less Stress? More Money? Better relationships? Which of your problems would be solved?
What if I told you that there is a “not-so-obvious” secret that is guaranteed to transform any—or literally every area of your life, faster than you ever thought possible? What if I told you it would only take 6 minutes a day?
Enter The Miracle Morning. What’s now being practiced by thousands of people around the world could perhaps be the simplest approach to creating the life you’ve always wanted. It’s been right there in front of us, but this book has finally brought it to life.
Are you ready? The next chapter of your life—the most extraordinary life you’ve ever imagined—is about to begin.
From Medium :
Book Review : Miracle morning — the 6 habits that will transform your life before 8am
One sentence summary of “Miracle morning — the 6 habits that will transform your life before 8am”: “Miracle Morning” is a method created by Hal Elrod with the goal of improving every aspect of life; it consists of getting up early every morning, in order to follow a daily routine based on six personal development activities.
By Hal Elrod, 2012, 240 pages
Chronicle and summary of “The miracle morning — the 6 habits that will transform your life before 8am”:
Presenting the Miracle morning to the reader
From the opening lines of his book, the author, Hal Elrod, starts with a truly spectacular description of the Miracle morning. This morning routine is, according to him, capable of offering revolutionary results. It is, in fact, a method that improves every aspect of life, the most practical, fast and efficient method that he ever encountered.
It will allow you to:
- reach a considerable milestone in your life, whether you are looking for success or whether you already have success in your life;
- Attain vitality and balance with regard to your health, happiness, love life, finances, spirituality or other areas that feature at the top of your list of priorities;
- offer anyone the strength to face challenges that appear insurmountable;
- make decisive progress and turn situations around, all in a very short time.
To summarise, the author assures us, with the Miracle Morning, there will be a transformation in every aspect of your life, and all before 8 am!
Hal Elrod’s personal story
After a brief introduction, the book begins by with the personal story of the author of the book “Miracle Morning”, Hal Elrod.
The first miracle: escaping death
At a time when he was enjoying success in every aspect of his life, Hal Elrod was the victim of a road traffic accident in 1999, at the age of 20. Although clinically dead, rescuers saved his life. Over the course of the following months, after a coma and rehabilitation, he learned that he would never walk again and that he would have to live with irreversible brain damage. However, he knew that he was a living miracle and he became aware that his life would never be the same again.
Astounding professional and personal ascension
As he couldn’t change the past, he turned his efforts to the future and took responsibility for his return to life. He went back to his job as a sales rep, more determined than ever. He became director of sales and success followed success in his personal life.
That was when Hal Elrod decided to tell his story, with the idea of turning his unhappy fate into inspiration and making others more responsible. His dream came true very quickly and he started to host conferences. He became a personal development coach.
The descent into hell
In 2007, with the economic recession, Hal Elrod lost everything he had built: his money, his house, his job and his health. He hit rock bottom mentally, emotionally and financially. Although he was very depressed and had no desire to do anything any more, one day he took a friend’s advice and went for a run. That was when he had the idea of creating a daily personal development routine. Everything grew from there…
The second miracle behind the Miracle Morning
Following the morning routine that he created, Hal’s life changed so rapidly, in every way, that he took it to be a miracle. So he naturally gave it a name: Miracle Morning. Hal Elrod talked about the incredible results of his method around him. His clients that followed it in large numbers went on to share it in turn. The Miracle Morning spread like a trail of gunpowder…
In 2012, the book “The Miracle Morning:the not-so-obvious secret guaranteed to transform your life (before 8am)” was published. It changed the lives of many people who will testify to this. The book became a huge success!
The importance of accepting responsibility
When he tells his story at the beginning of the book, Hal Elrod wants to show that you can overcome anything and achieve anything, no matter what difficulties you encounter. As far as he is concerned, there is nothing to stop us from pushing back the limits that prevent us from succeeding in life.
However, this does involve accepting full responsibility for every aspect of our lives and a refusal to blame other people. The degree to which we accept responsibility for everything that happens to us in life corresponds to the strength of our mental power to change or create something in our life.
Chapter 1: Wake up to your full potential
Place your life at the highest level
According to Hal Elrod, we are all capable of extraordinary success in every sphere of our life: happiness, health, finance, love, freedom. We must stop settling for little in comparison to what we really want. On the contrary, we must start to live in phase with the most extraordinary vision we can have of our life.
To succeed in this, however, will require a little effort every day.
For the author, this begins with the way we wake up in the morning. According to him, our morning routine is significant in determining the degree of success in every aspect of our lives.
A successful and productive morning generates a successful, productive day. The focus we feel inevitably creates a successful life. Unproductive mornings, when we spread ourselves around, result in poor quality days.
Consequently, changing the way you wake up can very quickly transform any part of your life. Using simple and modest measures that you can apply starting today, you can achieve the level of success that you dream of and that you deserve.
The benefits of the Miracle Morning
The Miracle Morning works for all lifestyles, including people who are not “early birds”. It is a simple, but also a very pleasant method that is easy to apply throughout life. Whether or not you consider yourself a morning person, the author promises to teach you how to wake up easily every day.
According to Hal Elrod, the Miracle Morning is a method that has a number of benefits. In particular, it allows you to:
- start every day feeling motivated and filled with more energy;
- reduce your stress levels;
- gain clarity to overcome difficulties;
- be in better health;
- increase your productivity and focus on your priorities;
- be more grateful, less worried;
- improve your ability to earn more money;
- discover and follow the direction given to your life.
Chapter 2: The miracle morning origin: born out of desperation
The two disasters experienced by Hal Elrod
In this part, the author explains how the two disasters that befell him led to his invention of the Miracle Morning.
The period when he was in debt was, for him, much darker than when he almost died. Hal Elrod explains that when he found out how much he was in debt; there was nobody around to take care of him. In contrast, after his accident, he had a lot of support. What’s more, his debt came accompanied by many other problems in other areas of his life. This combination of physical, mental, emotional and financial difficulties cast him into a state of deep depression.
Yet, just one act, one morning, lifted him out of his despair and turned his life around. That morning, Hal simply did something different: he took the advice of a friend and went for a run. It was precisely at that moment that everything changed! He suddenly understood that the solution to all his problems was to commit to his own personal development, to make it a priority in his daily life. This philosophy would change his life: he decided to find the time to commit to this. The Miracle Morning was in the process of being born…
The challenges encountered by Hal Elrod
First challenge: where to find the time?
Finding the time to devote to one’s personal development on a daily basis is a difficult task. According to Hal Elrod, we are too busy trying to be happy to do that.
However, the author tells us how he managed to find the time:
His initial idea was to find time in the evening, but he soon realised that this was not the best moment for him (fatigue, the only time he could spend on his relationship). It was also impossible for him to clear a time slot in the afternoon. Even though he hated the thought of getting up early, the morning seemed to be the most appropriate time. He could start the day on a positive note, with more energy and focus and increased motivation. He would no longer have any of the excuses that build up over the course of the day.
Second challenge: how to optimise the impact?
Once he decided to devote himself to his personal development every morning, Hal made a note of all of the life-changing personal development exercises that would fill this morning time.
He naturally listed the following exercises: meditation, affirmations, keeping a journal, visualisation, reading and physical exercise. Then he decided to devote ten minutes every day to each of these six activities.
When he read over his list, Hal Elrod felt highly motivated and eager to get up. When the alarm clock rang at 5am the next morning, he jumped out of bed, as enthusiastic and full of energy as a child on Christmas morning!
The morning that changed Hal Elrod’s life
First feelings
At 5 am that morning, when it was still dark outside, Hal felt a sense of power. He performed the exercises he had planned the day before. Once completed, he felt that he had just lived through one of the most exceptional days of his life. It was only 6 o’clock in the morning!
This is what he felt:
- at peace: thanks to the silence
- motivated: thanks to the reading
- stronger: thanks to the affirmations
- inspired: thanks to the visualisation
- grateful: thanks to keeping a journal
- full of energy: thanks to the physical exercises
In two months, his depression had disappeared! It was a miracle! With this new level of energy, motivation, clarity and concentration, he was now capable of easily reaching objectives. He could create strategies and implement a plan of action to bounce back and increase his income.
The birth of the Miracle Morning
When he talked about his miracle morning to the people around him, Hal Elrod became aware of the impact it could have on the world. This method gives each of us the opportunity to become a person capable of creating a dream life.
Hal Elrod began to spread the word about this innovative approach to help individuals and organisations improve their results.
Chapter 3: The 95% reality check
According to Hal Elrod, approximately 95 per cent of people in our society settle for less than their dreams. They move through life well below their capacity. They are prone to difficulties in many aspects of life. And they do not take advantage of success, happiness and freedom in the way they would like.
Our goal is not to struggle like 95 per cent of the population. According to the author, we can escape mediocrity and be part of the remaining 5% in three stages.
Step no. 1: Know the 95 % club
To avoid enduring a life of mediocrity, we must think and live in a different way to the majority of people. This applies to every aspect of life: physical, mental and emotional, our personal relationships, our finances.
Step no. 2: Identify the causes of mediocrity
The rear view mirror syndrome
Sometimes we are unable to perceive our life otherwise than how it has been up to now. To get over our past, we must stop looking behind us and begin to imagine a life without limits. We must accept that our past is not equal to our future and not be afraid to see things in a bigger way that we have been doing up to now.
According to the Miracle Morning method, we have to talk ourselves into believing that anything is possible. The author advises us to repeat this in our heads every day. Even if we are not convinced at first, our subconscious will begin to absorb these positive statements.
The absence of purpose
To escape mediocrity, it is essential to establish a goal in life. This goal, whatever it may be, must stimulate us to get up every morning. We can change it at any time. In any case, it will evolve as we change.
The fact of isolating incidents
We must be aware that every thought, choice and act determines who we become, and in the end, affects our quality of life.
Therefore, each time that we choose the easy solution instead of the necessary solution, we are shaping our identity and becoming the kind of person who takes the easy option. When we do what is necessary, we develop the discipline required to obtain extraordinary results in our life.
The author also invites us to stop isolating incidents and to give priority to an overall vision of things.
A lack of responsibility
There is an irrefutable relationship between responsibility and success.
On this topic, the author strongly recommends teaming up with a partner in responsibility. This gives us a person at our side who is also committed to making progress in life. With this partner, we can mutually support each other, encourage and empower each other.
A mediocre circle of influence
Research has shown that we resemble the five people with whom we spend the most time.
That is why it is essential to improve our circle of influence and seek out people who will help to improve our life. The people around us should help us to get the best from ourselves. They must not allow their fears, their insecurities and their limited beliefs to hold back our potential.
Absence of a sense of urgency
The biggest cause of mediocrity and untapped potential is not sensing how urgent it is to improve and make our life better. This state of mind leads to a life of procrastination and regret.
For the author, the present moment is more important than any other period in our life. What we do today is what determines the individual that we will become. The present moment will always determine the quality and direction of our existence.
Step no. 3: Leave a trace
To leave a trace is to be ready, starting now, to make the changes that will shape the life that you really want. Today is the most important day of your life. If you don’t change now, your life will never change.
Chapter 4: Why did YOU wake up this morning?
Stop hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock
Simply changing your conception of what it means to wake up can change everything.
Every time we hit the snooze button on our alarm clock, we are committing an act of resistance. Resistance towards the day to come and finally, towards our approach to transforming life. Starting our day in this state of resistance is a source of negative energy.
Our state of mind in the morning also has a powerful impact on the way that the rest of the day will turn out. People who find themselves in this state of mind do not enjoy the clarity, energy, motivation and spirit of people who wake up every morning with a purpose.
How to wake up with more energy and enthusiasm
The amount of sleep we require varies from one person to another and depends on factors such as age, genetics, health, the amount of physical exercise, etc.
According to Hal Elrod, how we feel when we wake up is not just based on how the number of hours of sleep. It also depends, and depends a lot, on the way we anticipate how we will feel when we wake up.
The author explains that he tested several sleep times, telling himself, persuasively, before falling asleep, how he was going to feel the next morning. Once he told himself before going to bed that he was not going to get enough sleep and that he would wake up tired, that is precisely what happened. When he told himself that he was going to wake up in the morning full of energy, he systematically felt better when he woke up.
The secret to making every morning Christmas morning
The Miracle Morning involves recreating the experience of waking up feeling enthusiastic and filled with energy, every single morning in your life, regardless of how much you have slept. As an illustration, the author gives the example of the impatience that we felt as a child to wake up on Christmas morning. The idea is to get out of bed with a purpose, not because you have to, but because you sincerely want to.
Chapter 5: The 5-step snooze proof wake up strategy
How can you find the necessary motivation to wake up early when your wake up motivation level is 1 out of 10? In this part, Hal Elrod lays out the five snooze proof steps to make waking up, even waking up early, easier than ever.
Step no. 1: Decide on your intentions before bedtime
Our first thought in the morning is generally the same as the last one before going to bed. Therefore, we need to deliberately create, every evening, genuine enthusiasm about the idea of waking up the next morning.
Step no. 2: Put your alarm clock on the other side of your room
This will force you to get up. Movement creates energy and naturally helps us to wake up. This step raises our wake up motivation level from 1 to 2.
Step no. 3: Brush your teeth
Brushing our teeth is something that we do without thinking in the minutes after we wake up. This kind of task gives our body time to wake up. This step raises our wake-up motivation level from 2 to 3 or 4.
Step no. 4: Drink a big glass of water
Hydration is essential just after waking up. This step raises our wake-up motivation level from 3 to 4 or from 4 to 5.
Step no. 5: Put on your sportswear
Morning exercise is decisive in making the most of our potential, because it puts us into an optimal mental, physical and emotional state. This step raises our wake-up motivation level from 4 to 5 or from 5 to 6.
Therefore, it will be much easier to remain awake and to carry out your miracle morning once these five steps are completed. What’s more, they require no more than a few minutes.
You can also personalise this wake-up strategy. The author particularly encourages choosing affirmations at bedtime that genuinely correspond to our expectations. To do this, we can get help from those suggested in the “Bedtime Affirmations” of the Miracle Morning online.
Hal Elrod also shares some other ideas that his clients have implemented:
- Programming the lights to come on in the bedroom when the alarm rings;
- Programming the heating so that it comes on in the bedroom fifteen minutes before the alarm rings (to avoid the temptation to stay under the covers when it happens to be cold).
Chapter 6: The life SAVERS
Six practices guaranteed to save you from a life of unfulfilled potential
What are the four dimensions of life?
“Life SAVERS” are the six key activities of the Miracle Morning. Here we touch the heart of Hal Elrod’s concept.
Hal Elrod noticed that we spend too much time thinking about the things that we have to do, without actually doing them. We all know what to do, but we don’t act. Most people are so busy managing, conserving, or even surviving their circumstances that they don’t take the time to focus on what is most important: their life.
For the author, life is built around the following four dimensions:
- Physical (P): the body, health and energy;
- Intellectual (I): the mind, intelligence and thoughts;
- Emotional (E): emotions, sentiments and attitudes ;
- Spiritual (S): the soul and the invisible higher power that guides everything.
By making efforts, every day, to develop these four dimensions, which the author calls PIES, and by never ceasing to become a better version of ourselves, our situation will inevitably improve.
What are the six Life SAVERS?
The Life SAVERS are six personal development exercises that will focus on our PIES. They are simple. They should be performed every day so that our lives do not become controlled by the demands of our daily life. Every exercise develops one or several physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual dimensions to our life.
According to Hal Elrod, our outside world is the reflection of our inside world. When we change our inner world, in other words our life, our outside world, in other words our situation, will improve simultaneously. It is therefore logical that the Life SAVERS improve our lot and change our lives.
The six Life SAVERS are the following:
- Silence (5 minutes)
- Affirmations (5 minutes)
- Visualisation (5 minutes)
- Physical exercise (20 minutes)
- Reading (20 minutes)
- Scribing (5 minutes)
According to the standard example explained by Hal Elrod, the Miracle Morning lasts one hour. The order in which you perform the Life SAVERScan be changed around depending on your preferences.
Life SAVERS n°1: S for silence
The first Miracle Morning activity is to begin every morning by treating yourself to a moment of resolute silence. It is essential to get out of bed, even out of your bedroom, to carry out this activity.
Several exercises can be accomplished in this resolute silence: meditation, prayer, reflection, deep breathing, and gratitude.
Meditation is especially powerful when it comes to improving your health. The very essence of meditation is to respect silence and focus your mind for a period of time. Many studies show that it can even be more effective than medication.
Meditation can take two forms: “guided” meditation and “individual” meditation. The meditation described in the Miracle Morning is simple individual meditation, followed step by step.
The activities that the author suggests performing in silence are exercises that soothe the mind and relax the body. They allow you to be completely present and ready to reap the benefits offered by the other Life SAVERS in the Miracle Morning.
Life SAVERS n°2: A for affirmation
Our internal dialogue has a spectacular influence on our success from every point of view. Actively create affirmations that match what we want to accomplish and the individual we want to become in order to do so. When we commit to repeating them daily (ideally out loud), they immediately leave an imprint on our subconscious. The subconscious begins to believe what we are telling it, acts accordingly and ends up by making it appear in a concrete way in our life.
These affirmations work on transforming our thoughts and feelings. They surmount our negative beliefs and behaviour and replace them with what it takes to succeed.
On this point, Hal Elrod shares his own very convincing experience with us. Using affirmations, he successfully changed his belief in his poor short term memory (brain damage related to his car accident) and reprogrammed his subconscious with a new belief.
The procedure to follow in order to create our affirmations, as described in the Miracle Morning, is in five stages:
Step 1: What do we really want?
First and foremost, our affirmation must express our ideal clearly and precisely. The author invites us to write down our ideal vision of ourselves and our life.
Step 2: Why do we want that?
We have to ask ourselves, deep down, what makes all the things that we want important to us. With a clear vision of our deepest “whys”, the sense we give to our life becomes indestructible.
Step 3: Who do we commit to being in order to create that?
“Being” the person we need to be and “doing” what we need to do are the prerequisites to “having” what we want. We need to be clear about what we have to become and who we commit to being in order to do this.
Step 4: What do we commit to doing in order to create that?
We need to ask ourselves about the recurrent actions we need to undertake so that our vision of our perfect life becomes a reality. The more our actions are specific (frequency, quantity, time frames), the better it will be. The method recommends writing down a daily or weekly objective that we can go on to develop.
Step 5: What quotes and philosophies inspire us?
Hal Elrod likes to include quotes that inspire his affirmations. He encourages us to do the same. He explains that we can integrate philosophies and strategies that strengthen our way of life and our way of thinking.
Finally, for our affirmations to be effective, we have to generate sincere emotions and breathe them into each and every affirmation that we repeat. Combining a physical activity with these affirmations is also an excellent way to use the power of the bond between mind and body.
Life SAVERS no. 3: V for visualisation
Visualisation is a process that consists of picturing precisely what we want to accomplish. Then repeat mentally what we need to do to get there. The author recommends starting with five minutes of daily visualisation.
Here, according to the Miracle Morning method, is the procedure to follow to create your own routine in three steps:
Step 1: Prepare
Settle into a comfortable position, close your eyes and clear your mind.
Step 2: Visualise what you really want
Now begin to visualise your main objectives, your deepest desires and your wildest dreams. You need to call upon all your senses to optimise the effectiveness of your visualisation. See, feel, hear, touch, taste and experience every detail of your vision. Now you can move forward in time to see yourself obtaining the expected results.
Step 3: Visualise the person you have to become and what you have to do
Once you have shaped a clear mental picture of what you want, it is crucial to visualise yourself living the life of the individual capable of making your vision come true.
In association with your morning affirmations, this simple process of visualisation will boost the programming of your subconscious toward success. In this way, you align your thoughts and feelings on your ideal vision. It cannot fail to come true.
Optional step: Create a visualisation board
Hal Elrod suggests creating a “visualisation board”. A visualisation board is a display panel on which you can hang several images: what you want to have, who you want to become, what you want to do, your dream home, etc.
Life SAVERS no. 4: E for exercise
Physical exercise should be a basic element of your daily ritual every morning. It offers an energy surge that is of benefit to health, improving self-confidence and emotional well-being. It allows you to have clear ideas and to stay focused for longer.
Yoga is the author’s preferred physical activity and the one that he chooses to do on a daily basis. He explains how yoga is a multi-faceted science that is concerned with the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of life.
The Miracle Morning is a foolproof way to avoid all those excuses not to make exercise a daily habit.
Life SAVERS no. 5: R for reading
Reading is an easy way to acquire the knowledge, ideas and strategies you need to achieve total success in every aspect of your life.
Most successful people read every day.
For this Life SAVER, the author recommends:
- Reading a minimum of 10 pages per day;
- Asking yourself why you chose this book and what you expect from it;
- Committing to implementing what you have learned by taking action;
- Underlining, circling and highlighting important passages, taking notes;
- Re-reading good personal development books.
Life SAVERS no. 6: S for scribing
In the Miracle Morning, writing consists of keeping a journal in which you jot down lessons learned and new commitments. For the author, writing in a journal every day allows you to focus your attention. Write down what you have accomplished, what makes you happy and what you commit to improving tomorrow.
This activity has the following benefits:
- Better clarity: writing things down forces us to understand and to think about the idea in question;
- Remember ideas;
- Review teachings;
- See your progress.
Hal Elrod gives the three steps required to start keeping a journal:
- Choose a format: it can be digital or traditional;
- Get a journal: with lines and dates (this encourages you to use it daily);
- Decide on the content: express your gratitude, write down your dreams, your diet, your workouts, your dreams, your projects, your commitments. Include lessons learned and all the subjects on which you feel the need to focus your attention.
Chapter 7: The 6-minute miracle morning
There are times in life when you feel so overwhelmed that the very thought of adding something to your programme makes you even more stressed.
In this case, and only as an exception, the author recommends not giving up the Miracle Morning, but achieving exactly the same effects in a six minute accelerated version:
- First minute: sit in resolute silence;
- Second minute: read aloud the affirmations that remind you of your infinite potential and your most important priorities;
- Third minute: look at your visualisation board and visualise yourself;
- Fourth minute: one minute of writing;
- Fifth minute: read one or two pages;
- Sixth minute: move around or do one minute of physical exercise.
Chapter 8: Customising your miracle morning
The Miracle Morning can be personalised to suit your lifestyle: wake-up time, total duration, nature and order of exercises, time devoted to each activity.
What time should I wake up and what should I eat in the morning?
The principle of the Miracle Morning is simply to wake up 30 to 60 minutes earlier than usual every day in order to anchor yourself to improving and transforming your life.
Digestion is one of the bodily mechanisms that consumes the most energy. Hal Elrod advises eating only after your Miracle Morning. Having maximum energy every day allows you to evolve at your best level, to live in good health and to live longer. It is essential to eat food that is healthy, both as a source of energy and for its excellent taste. You must consider what you eat in order to optimise the benefits of the Miracle Morning.
Hal Elrod recommends a diet rich in raw, unprocessed foods. He even invented the “Miracle morning super-food smoothie”, a drink that keeps energy levels up, and tastes delicious. The author shares the recipe for this smoothie at the end of the book.
Defeat procrastination and start with what is hardest
One of the most effective strategies to stop procrastinating and remain very productive is to begin the day by performing the most important or the least pleasant tasks.
By starting with the most difficult tasks, you get them out of the way as quickly as possible. You create a dynamic that offers increased productivity for the remainder of the day.
Make your Miracle Morning fun and exciting!
To do this, it is important to vary things. For example, change your exercises or your meditation sessions or update your visualisation board. In a general way, the Miracle Morning must always be attractive and new.
Chapter 9: The real secret to form habits that will transform your life
30 days to master the miracle morning habits
Habits are acts that we repeat regularly and that tend to appear at subconscious level. If you do not control your habits, your habits will control you.
The idea, according to the concept set out in the Miracle Morning is:
- To identify, implement and maintain the habits required to obtain the desired results;
- To learn how to remove negative habits that prevent us from expressing our potential.
However, most people do not adopt or maintain positive habits because they do not apply the right strategy. They don’t know what to expect, they don’t know how to face the mental and emotional difficulties related to setting up a new habit.
According to Hal Elrod, it takes 30 days to correct a habit, whatever it may be, provided you employ the right strategy.
This 30-day period to install a new positive habit (or to abandon an old negative habit) is divided into three ten-day phases. Each of these phases has its share of emotional difficulties and mental obstacles. It is essential to be aware of them in order to overcome them and not to interrupt the new habit.
Phase 1 (days 1 to 10): Unbearable
The first days are sometimes easy and even exciting because they are shiny and new. However, as soon as the novelty disappears, reality kicks in. The first ten days become a challenge!
Know that this is the price of success and that this stressful time will not last. It makes it much easier to endure and overcome the difficulties encountered during the first phase.
Phase 2 (days 11 to 20): Unpleasant
The second ten-day phase is not much better. Despite confidence in the benefits of the new habit, it requires great discipline and strong commitment.
Phase 3 (days 21 to 30): Unstoppable
Many experts state that a change in habit takes place over a period of 21 days. They are partly right. According to the author, it does take 21 days (the first two phases) to create a new habit. However, he also says that the third ten-day phase is an integral part of the process. It is essential when it comes to installing the habit in the long term. It will also allow you to combine it with pleasure and pride in your progress.
Hal Elrod’s ultra-marathon
At the end of this chapter, Hal Elrod tells his own story to illustrate the 30-day life-changing challenge that is the Miracle Morning.
Even though he hated running, he describes the process that led him to taking on the incredible challenge that he personally launched with the Miracle Morning: to finish an ultra-marathon — an 83 kilometre run!
The author wants his story to be inspiring. It highlights the moment of awareness: freedom is not just for the elite, but is accessible to everyone. To do this, it is essential to take on challenges outside your comfort zone. Force yourself to change and increase your capacity to “be” and to “do” more that you did in the past.
Of course, the 30-day life-changing challenge of the Miracle Morning requires an unwavering commitment to persevere for 30 days, and then to make it the habit of a lifetime. This 30-day challenge will allow you to push back the limits that are holding you back. You can be, do and have everything you dream of, more quickly than you ever imagined.
Chapter 10 — The miracle morning 30-day life transformation challenge
Thirty days to start over!
The 30-day life transformation challenge as presented in the book Miracle Morning consists of:
- Identifying the habits that have the most influence on your life, your success, the person that you want to become and the place you want to go;
- Using the next 30 days to install these habits, which will radically change your direction in life, your health, your financial situation, your relationship and many other areas.
The state of mind you need in the challenge to make your life better must be a combination of discipline, clarity and personal fulfilment.
Performing the life SAVERS every day will enable you to:
- Feel the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual benefits of silence, affirmations, visualisation, physical exercise, reading and writing;
- Feel less stressed, more balanced and focused, more enthusiastic and happier about the life you are leading;
- Enjoy more energy, clearer ideas and the necessary motivation to bring you closer to your dreams and the most important objectives.
Hal Elrod invites us to trust in the example of the thousands of people who managed to completely transform their lives through the Miracle Morning. He reminds us that if they were able to do it, then so can we.
The 3.1 steps to start the 30-day life transformation challenge
Step 1: Get the miracle morning fast start kit
Hal Elrod encourages readers to download the full starter kit: “The Miracle Morning 30-Day LTC Fast Start Kit” on the Miracle Morning dedicated website. This kit contains exercises, affirmations, daily checklists, tracking sheets and everything you need to meet the challenge of transforming your life in 30 days thanks to the Miracle Morning.
Step 2: Schedule your first miracle morning for tomorrow
The idea is to put the Miracle Morning into place as quickly as possible. You have to decide where you are going to do it right away (a place where you feel comfortable and will not be disturbed). Picture getting started the morning after you read this.
Step 3: Do the exercises
The exercises are carried out following the instructions in Chapter 6 and always start with the preparations made the day before.
Step 3.1 (recommended): Find a partner in responsibility
The fastest way to get your potential partner in responsibility on board with your project is to send him or her the link to the website dedicated to the Miracle Morning. This offers immediate access to the intensive course, free of charge, of the Miracle Morning (meaning two chapters from the book, the Miracle Morning video and the Miracle Morning audio tape).
Conclusion about Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod:
Make today the day when you will become the person living up to your dreams
To conclude his book “Miracle Morning”, Hal Elrod invites us to join the Miracle Morning community, built on social media and the website.
In addition to this, in the conclusion of his book, Hal Elrod shares, in the form of a bonus, an experience you can try: an e-mail that may change your life!
This mail asks for the opinion of people who are capable of seeing things inside us that we cannot see ourselves. More specifically, it asks as many people as possible with some idea of our capacity about the three main areas in which we could do better (using the email template).
For the author, this was an incredible experience. Becoming vulnerable and taking stock of his faults was not easy, but it changed his life. He explains that this initiative boosted his career and improved his relations. He describes the many beneficial effects that we can expect from this experience: increased self-awareness, greater self-understanding and a very clear vision of the changes that we can accomplish.
Finally, the author ends his book with a list of inspiring quotes.
The Miracle Morning: the phenomenon that has convinced millions of followers
In its form, Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod offers some very accessible reading. It is illustrated by the author’s various experiences and invites us to take action easily and immediately.
In its content, there are a number of interesting points beyond the simple concept of a morning routine. These include the power of the affirmations and visualisations (a practice that has shown its power among top athletes), the process of changing a habit, the concept of accountability for your actions and self-realisation (by escaping mediocrity, to use the author’s term).
Therefore, Miracle Morning is an excellent book that offers a solution that makes sense to anyone with a desire to move forward, to develop, to carry out projects, but who lacks time and energy. It is a “booster” for your motivation, an invitation to implement a practical method focussed on the results.
Some might think that there is an element of “recruitment” or “dream peddling” to the book, but the fact remains that this book and its concept have become a real phenomenon: the Miracle Morning theory developed by Hal Elrod has millions of followers!
source Medium