Day 20 | Living Luxury
The centering thought for this meditation is:
Today I treat myself to moments of luxury.
The Sanskrit mantra for this mediation is:
Om Ritam Nama (My actions and desires are supported by cosmic intelligence.)
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Vidéo Catégorie: MéditationVidéo Tags: Deepak Chopra et Meditation
“Hey everyone, I’m excited to share with you something that has been a game-changer for me in terms of my physical and mental well-being. I’ve
Day 11 | Abundance and the Law of Least Effort The centering thought for this meditation is: I expect and accept abundance to flow easily
This meditation is for you to create infinite, unlimited abundance around you. The author of this trip is – Deepak Chopra.
This 15-minute meditation practice works with your awareness and attention to enhance your ability to reach a meditative state of consciousness.
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